A short note from the expatriate American writer best known for her novels, poetry, and opera libretti marked by a distinctive, playfully experimental, sometimes nonsensical use of language. 1 page, no date. On her embossed 27 Rue de Fleurus letterhead ["Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose"], in her usual nearly completely indecipherable hand. Matted with a color halftone photograph to 26 x 44 cm.
A short note from the expatriate American writer best known for her novels, poetry, and opera libretti marked by a distinctive, playfully experimental, sometimes nonsensical use of language. 1 page, no date. On her embossed 27 Rue de Fleurus letterhead ["Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose"], in her usual nearly completely indecipherable hand. Matted with a color halftone photograph to 26 x 44 cm.