Schubert, Franz. (1797–1828). (D 870, 871, 880) Der Wanderer an den Mond. Das Zügenglöcklein. Im Freyen. Gedichte von J. G. Seidl. ... für eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. 80tes Werk.. Wien: Tobias Haslinger. [1827]. First edition, second printing. Neue Ausgabe. Upright folio. 19 pp. Engraved. [PN] 5028. Deutsch S. 546; Kat. Hoboken 13 Nr. 319.
The second printing of the first edition, still with the error in Seidl's poetry "aus Westens Wieg’ in Ostens Grab" on page three (corrected in later version to "aus Ostens Wieg’ in Westens Grab."
The second printing of the first edition, still with the error in Seidl's poetry "aus Westens Wieg’ in Ostens Grab" on page three (corrected in later version to "aus Ostens Wieg’ in Westens Grab."
Schubert, Franz. (1797–1828). (D 870, 871, 880) Der Wanderer an den Mond. Das Zügenglöcklein. Im Freyen. Gedichte von J. G. Seidl. ... für eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. 80tes Werk.. Wien: Tobias Haslinger. [1827]. First edition, second printing. Neue Ausgabe. Upright folio. 19 pp. Engraved. [PN] 5028. Deutsch S. 546; Kat. Hoboken 13 Nr. 319.
The second printing of the first edition, still with the error in Seidl's poetry "aus Westens Wieg’ in Ostens Grab" on page three (corrected in later version to "aus Ostens Wieg’ in Westens Grab."
The second printing of the first edition, still with the error in Seidl's poetry "aus Westens Wieg’ in Ostens Grab" on page three (corrected in later version to "aus Ostens Wieg’ in Westens Grab."