Richly illustrated program from an "evening of memories" presented by the 67-year-old renowned French actress and cabaret singer on December 24th, 1932. The evening's program, printed in the midst of 11 pages of caricatures and portraits of Guilbert by many important artists of the period, presents her in performances from various periods in her famous career, beginning with "Quelques souvenirs du Chat Noir et de ses Collaborateurs." 24 x 28 cm. In very fine condition throughout.
Richly illustrated program from an "evening of memories" presented by the 67-year-old renowned French actress and cabaret singer on December 24th, 1932. The evening's program, printed in the midst of 11 pages of caricatures and portraits of Guilbert by many important artists of the period, presents her in performances from various periods in her famous career, beginning with "Quelques souvenirs du Chat Noir et de ses Collaborateurs." 24 x 28 cm. In very fine condition throughout.