Piaf, Edith. (1915–1963). Telegram regarding Cocteau's "L'indiferrent.". Original telegram from Piaf to her secretary Mme. Fauo, asking her to phone Jean Cocteau to tell him that she is planning to peform "Le Bel Indifferent" in Paris in October but that if he feels it won't be a bother to do it before, she consents. 1 page, Stockholm, 1947.
Cocteau's famous "Le Bel Indifferent," about an older woman and her younger, indifferent lover, was originally written for Edith Piaf and first performed in 1940.
Cocteau's famous "Le Bel Indifferent," about an older woman and her younger, indifferent lover, was originally written for Edith Piaf and first performed in 1940.
Piaf, Edith. (1915–1963). Telegram regarding Cocteau's "L'indiferrent.". Original telegram from Piaf to her secretary Mme. Fauo, asking her to phone Jean Cocteau to tell him that she is planning to peform "Le Bel Indifferent" in Paris in October but that if he feels it won't be a bother to do it before, she consents. 1 page, Stockholm, 1947.
Cocteau's famous "Le Bel Indifferent," about an older woman and her younger, indifferent lover, was originally written for Edith Piaf and first performed in 1940.
Cocteau's famous "Le Bel Indifferent," about an older woman and her younger, indifferent lover, was originally written for Edith Piaf and first performed in 1940.