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[Composers, Instrumentalists & Singers] Pearl Bailey, Sid Caesar, Robert Casadesus, Maurice Chevalier, Phyllis Curtin, Antal Dorati, Eileen Farrell, Lukas Foss, Edwin Frank Goldman, Dick Hyman, Robert Joffrey, Grant Johannesen, Andre Kostelanetz, Henry Mancini, Peter Mennin, Zubin Metha, Patrice Munsel, Wilfrid Pelletier, Max Rudolf, William Schumann, Gunther Schuller, Rise Stevens, Walter Susskind, Deems Taylor, Renata Tebaldi, Virgil Thomson, Jennie Tourel, Leonard Warren, Vitya Vrinsky and Victor Babin, etc. . Collection of 130 signed photographs to influential percussionist George Gaber.
Collection of signed photographs, including numerous important figures from the worlds of jazz and classical music, dance and entertainment, together with several autograph and typed letters signed.  Some of the more notable names include Pearl Bailey, Sid Caesar, Robert Casadesus, Maurice Chevalier, Phyllis Curtin, Antal Dorati, Eileen Farrell, Lukas Foss, Edwin Frank Goldman, Dick Hyman, Robert Joffrey, Grant Johannesen, Andre Kostelanetz, Henry Mancini, Peter Mennin, Zubin Metha, Patrice Munsel, Wilfrid Pelletier, Max Rudolf, William Schumann, Gunther Schuller, Rise Stevens, Walter Susskind, Deems Taylor, Renata Tebaldi, Virgil Thomson, Jennie Tourel, Leonard Warren, Vitya Vrinsky and Victor Babin.  Generally in fine condition and measuring 8 x 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm.) unless otherwise indicated. Complete alphabetical list, as follows:

A - B:
Franz Allers, Maurice Seymour of Chicago photograph with photographer stamp to verso, inscribed "To George Gaber / with all the good wishes in the world, / very cordially / Franz Allers / Pittsburgh, November 1942;  Alfred Antonini, Bruno of Hollywood NYC, "To George Gaber/ with admiration/ Alfredo Antonini/ New York 1974," 10 x 8 inches;  Alfred Antonini, "XO my dear friend George Gaber/ Sincerely/ Alfredo Antonini/ N.Y. 1964";  
Jim Backus, "To George/ Best wishes always/ Jim Backus," dated "3/58" by the recipient;  Pearl Bailey, "Love Pearl," "To Debbie" added in red ink;  Edward Ballentine, Fabian Bachrach glossy print with stamp to verso, "My Very Best to George/ A fine performer and a real friend/ Sincerely/ Eddie Ballantine";  Eddie Ballantine, Bloom of Chicago, dated "4/46" by the recipient;  Gertrude Berg, "Best wishes to Debbie/ Gertrude Berg," 3.75 x 5.75 inches (9.5 x 14.6 cm.);  Dr. Frank Black, "For/ George Gaber/ From/ Frank Black/ 9/21/50";  Pat Boone, "To Debbie-/ Your boy,/ Pat";  David Broekman, "David Broekman," dated "'59" by the recipient, together with three unsigned photographs of Broekman: 5 x 8 (12.7 x 20.3) photograph w/ photographer stamp to verso, 8 x 5 (20.3 x 12.7) photograph at the piano, and 8 x 10 Editta Sherman photograph with stamp to verso;  Billy Butterfield, James J. Kriegsmann of NY. "To my friend george/ in memory of/ our many years/ associated at A.B.C./ Billy Buttefield," "3/60"; 

Four photographs of Sid Caesar,  "To George Gaber/ my heart felt/ a beat./ Sid Caesar," "To George Gaber/ may I always/ be in/ tempo with/ you/ Sid Caesar" and dated "5/58," "Best wishes/ Sid Caesar" with crease in upper right corner, and "Best wishes/ Sid Caesar," with tear through lower half of photograph, else good;  Francis Carlyle, Bruno of Hollywood NYC photograph with stamp to verso, "To George:/ Best of everything/ to a regular fellow./ Francis Carlyle/ 'Ye Olde Swindler'";  Art Carney, "To George Gaber,/ with all good wishes/ from/ Art Carney";  María Inés Gómez Carrillo, "To Esther and George Gaber,/ Sincerely/ María Inés Gómez Carrillo/ N. York May 18, 1942";  Robert Casadesus, Lipnitzki of Paris, "To George Gaber/ Sincerely/ Robert Casadesus/ 1942";  Maurice Chevalier, "To George Gaber./ Maurice Chevalier/ 1958," together with a signed program for his residency at the Empire Room of the Waldorf Astoria, "To Debbie./ Maurice Chevalier," 5 x 7 (12.7 x 17.8);  Bobby Christian, Orchestras Inc. photograph of Bobby Christian and His Recording Orchestra, "To George/ Tops in percussion/ Bobby," 10 x 8;  Imogene Coca, Marcus Blechman of New York, "To George/ Regards/ Imogene Coca," dated "5/58," 7.25 x 9 (18.4 x 22.9);  Richard Cole, "To Geo:/ a great musician/ a fine gentleman/ and a good friend./ Richard Cole," dated "10/52," 5 x 7.25 (12.7 x 18.4);  Sergiu Comissiona, "To my dear friend,/ George Gaber,/ with best admiration/ and affection,/ Sergiu Comissiona/ Sept '84";  Milton J. Cross, "NBC PHOTO" stamp to verso, "To Geroge-/ with Best Wishes/ Milton J. Cross";  Phyllis Curtin, Eugene Cook photograph with stamp to verso, "For George/ Gaber, whose/ performance of the/ Milhaud concerto we shall/ remember gratefully always!/ Phyllis Curtin," dated "1964";  Phyllis Curtin, "For George Gaber-/ with warm greetings/ Phyllis Curtin"; 

D - F:
Antal Dorati, “To George Gaber / in old friendship / Antal Dorati / 1982”;  Donald Erb, “To Uncle George / in gratitude / and / affection / Donald Erb”;  Jean Erdman, Louis Melancon photograph, “To George Gaber / Magical drummer / Aloha / Jean Erdman,” with post-it note to verso, “Hi George - ! / This has been rather / slow in coming / but at last - / I could find a / photo from the / “dancing days” - / Happy Holidays - / Jean.”;  Jean Erdman, “To George thanks for a beautiful / evening/ Jean Erdman," dated "11/65";  Jean Erdman, "Greetings to George Gaber/ from Anna Livia Plurabelle of The Coach with the Six Insides/ Jean Erdman," 10 x 8;  Peter Erskine, unsigned photograph labelled "Peter Erskine with Stan Kenton/ 100% Slingerland";  Three photographs of Nanette Fabray, "George-/ with best wishes/ Nanette Fabray," Herb Ball of NBC photograph with stamp to verso inscribed "To George Gaber-/ With best wishes - all the/ way from 'Caesar's Hour'/ Nanette Fabray," and "To George/ with best wishes/ Nanette Fabray";  Eileen Farrell, “To George / with much love / and affection / and many happy memoirs / of our Bach Aria days / Eileen”;  Morey Feld, “To my friend George / Gaber, one of the all / time greats in the / field of / percussion / Morey";  José Ferrer, "José Ferrer," 7.5 x 9 (19 x 22.9);  Lukas Foss, inscribed on a piece of clipped paper and taped to the back: “For George Gaber / Thanks for the memory / of TIME-CYCLE in Aspen / with best Wishes / Lukas Foss.” In green ink. With a NS, 1 x 2-1/4 inch piece of paper typed & attached to the front: “For George Gaber / Thanks for the memory / of TIME-CYCLE in Aspen / with best Wishes / Lukas Foss.” 5.75 x 7.5 (14.6 x 19);  

Dr. Gino, “To George - / The “master of / percussion” / with many happy / memories / “Dr. Gino(?).” In blue ink and all but the signature over traced in black ink. 7.75 x 9 (19.7 x 22.9);  Billy Gladstone, “To George Gaber / “The world’s greatest / timpanist” / most sincerely / Billy Gladstone.” In red ink. “Kodacolor Enlargement / June 1959” stamped on the back.;  Max Goberman, “To George Gaber, / staunch / timpanist / sincerely / Max / Goberman / 1949,” Goberman's address to verso;  Moe Goldenberg, Popsie of NY, “To George / with my best / wishes. I miss / you / Moe / Goldenberg.”;  Edwin Frank Goldman, “To George J. Gaber / My excellent timpanist / with best wishes. / Edwin Franko Goldman / Aug. 12/43.” In black ink.  Together with typed letter signed on A4 Goldman Band stationary, 1 pp., April 17, 1944;  Two photographs of Saul Goodman, “To George / A fine artist / + great percussionist / fond / remembrance of / Saul Goodman 6/1/1963,” and “To Professor Gaber / and his fine students with / thanks for an unforgettable time in Bloomington / sincerely – Saul Goodman 10/19/1972.”;  Noah Greenberg, “To George / with affection / Noah Greenberg.” In blue ink.;  Igo Guttmann, photograph postcard, inscription in German, 3.5 x 5.5 (8.9 x 14);  Bobby Hackett, Duncan Schiedt photograph with stamp to verso, “To George / One of my favorite / swingers, “miss you” Bobby Hackett.” In black ink. “5/61” – Photo. 3 x 3 inches taped onto the back Image of George Gaber with Bobby Hackett.;  Ruth Berman Harris, Maurice Seymour of Chicago, “To Esther + George - / my best wishes / for your great happiness / together - / Ruth Berman Harris / May 16th, 1941” together with small 2 x 2 photograph of Harris playing the harp, stamped “Robert E. Baker / of Cottage Street / New Haven, Conn.” to verso;  Erick Hawkins, Michael Avedon photograph with stamp to veso, “With best / To George / from Erick.” In blue marker. “Eric Hawkins in Naked Leopard” & “Erick Hawkins Dance Company” stamped to verso;  Dick Hyman, “To George: An early colleague + a great friend - / Dick Hyman.” 

In black marker.;  Sam Jaffe, “To George Gaber / Gauga Din is a long / way from the Eternal Road which our travels / together at the old Manhattan / Opera House. Best always / Sam Jaffe,” in blue ink together with autograph letter signed dated May 31, 1960;  Robert Joffrey, “Dear George / with my very / best wishes / to a wonderful / musician / Robert / Joffrey.”;  Grant Johannesen, Bonden of NY photograph, “For George + Esther: / Remembering many / happy days at Aspen / and in lasting / admiration - / Grant Johannesen / Aug ’62.” In blue ink;  Boris Karloff, "To George Gaber/ Sincerely, Borris Karloff" (secretarially singed);  Hugo Kolberg, “To George Gaber / with best wishes / Hugo Kolberg / Dec. 1943,” 10 x 8;  Irwin Kostal, “To George: / Thanks for remembering me / you always were / one of the best / your friend / Irwin (Irv) Kostal.” In blue ink, together with charming and personal autograph letter signed, “Dear George / Do I remember you???!!!... Irv Irwin Kostal," a copy of Gaber's initial letter, and newspaper clipping;  Andre Kostelantetz, De Bellis Studios with stamp to verso, “To G. Gaber / with every best wish / Andre Kostelanetz”;  Andre Kostelantetz, “For / George Gaber / bravo for your / wonderful performance / - all best wishes - / Andre Kostelanetz.” In black marker. “9/68.”;  Phil Kraus, Bob Alderson of New York, “To my dear friend / George Gaber - / In my mind you / are America’s finest / timpanist – a true / artist / Sincerely / Phil Kraus.”;  Two photographs of Karl Kruege, both stamped to verso with "Property of General Motors," inscribed “To George Gaber / in high esteem / Karl Kruege / 6-III-50,” and “To my friend / George Gaber / with best wishes / Karl Kruege / NYC / 14-IX-59.”;  

L -M:
The Limeliters, “A Souvenir for / George Gaber / from the Limeliters / with best wishes / Lou Gottileb.” & “Glen Yarbough.” & “Alex Hassilev.” In blue ink.;  The Limeliters, RCA Victor, “And for Debbie with our / love / Lou Gottileb.” In blue ink. “Alex Hassilev.” In blue ink. “Glen Yarbough.” In blue ink;  Collage of unsigned photographs and a newspaper clipping related to Ralph Lipton;  Henry Mancini, “To my / dear friend / George - / warmest / wishes - / Henry / Mancini / Dec 80.”;  Eddy Manson, Popsie of NY, “To George - / A remarkable / talent + a / real “pro” - / your good friend - / Eddy Manson,” heavy wear to corners;  Bill Mather, “To my good friend G.G. (“Masonic symbol”) / From Bill “who else ? !” Mather.” In blue ink. “3-56” in black marker. - Stamped on the back: Mather Drum Center with address. 3.75 x 5 (9.5 x 12.7);  Johnny Mathis, piece of paper inscribed “To Debbie / Sincerely, / Johnny Mathis,” 4.5 x 4 (11.4 x 10.2);  Edwin McArthur, “To George Gaber / With best wishes / Sincerely Edwin McArthur, 1941” In blue ink.;  Peter Mennin, Christian Steiner photograph, “To George Gaber - / with best / wishes / Peter Mennin / 7/20/76.” In black ink, together with typed letter signed from Gaber mounted to back of photograph and typed letter signed on Juilliard School/ Office of the President/ stationary from Mennin;  Peter Mennin, J. Abresch of N.Y. photograph, “To George Gaber / with best / wishes, / Peter Mennin /  3/3/1962.” In black ink.;  Jorge Mester, Charles Abbott photograph with stamp to verso, “2/4/02 / To the great master / of percussion and a / dear friend – lots of / love - / Jorge,” 8 x 7.5 (20.3 x 19);  Jorge Mester, “7/5/02 / To George Gaber - / with love and / admiration for / your dedication to / your art and to your / students - / Jorge Mester.” In gold ink. Pasadena Symphony, Jorge Mester Music Director stamped on the back.;  Zubin Metha, Dan Porges color photograph, "Zubin Metha," 6 x 9 (15.2 x 22.9);  Edith Möller, Kurt Julius photograph with stamp to verso, “Mr. George Gaber / in herzlicher ?[Germany]? / Edith Moller.” “Obernkirchen / 12/59,” 9.5 x 7 (24.1 x 17.8);  Patrice Munsel, “To George Gaber / my dear “mallet” man, / with warm affection / Patrice Munsel Schuler.” In blue ink. 3/58;  Maria Neglia, Photograph Postcard, “To George / Sincerely / Maria Neglia.” In blue ink, 3.5 x 5.5 (8.9 x 14);  New York Pro Musica [Noah Greenberg, Paul Maynard, Carolyn Baeler, Gordon Myers, Sheila Schonbrun, Robert White, Barbara Muesser, Shelly Gruskin, Brayton Lewis, Charles Bressler, Paul Maynard, and LaNoue Davenport], “With love from Pro Musica / Noah Greenberg / [cut paper, typed: To the one and only / George Gaber with love / Pro Musica].” In black ink. On the front.;  “To the one and only George Gaber / with love from Pro Musica. // [signed] Noah Greenberg, Paul Maynard, Carolyn Baeler, Gordon Myers, Sheila Schonbrun, Robert White, Barbara Muesser, Shelly Gruskin, Brayton Lewis, Charles Bressler, and LaNoue Davenport.” In black ink. On the back. Also stamped on the back: New York Pro Musica / Noah Greenberg, Musical Director. [note with list of signers’ names “To George” attached to the front], 10 x 8;  

Red Norvo, “To my friend George Gaber / In the best of Health – Best of Luck / Sincerely Red Norvo / 6/68.” In blue marker, 10 x 8;  Frank A. Panella, “With best wishes to my / jovial, good friend, George Gaber, / Sincerely, / Frank A. Panella, / 'The Old Grey Mare,'” together with sheet music for "Mothers of Democracy," "On the Square," two copies of "The Razzberry (Heel! Hitler! Heel!)," and two lyric sheets for "On the Square.";  Gloria Parker, irregularly trimmed photograph postcard, “George / Musically / yours/ Gloria / 6/56,” 3.5 x 5 (8.9 x 12.7);  Jan Peerce, Holman of N.Y., “To George Gaber / with all grand / wishes / In Admiration / your friend / Jan Peerce / 3/1958."  Wilfrid Pelletier, J. Abresch of N.Y., “To George Gaber the (drawing of a drum) / in remembrance of a / long association / with best wishes / Wilfrid Pelletier / 1960.” – In white ink.;  Jonel Perlea, photograph postcard, "To George Gaber with/ my best wishes and/ friendship/ Jonel Perlea/ 1954," 3.25 x 5.25 (8.2 x 13.3);  Marta Ptaszynska, “To Dear George / With Love / Marta Ptaszynska / January 30, 1991.” In black ink, 5 x 7 (12.7 x 17.8);  

R -S:
Kelly Rand, Bruno of Hollywood NYC with stamp to verso, “To George + Esther / Best wishes / Sincerely /Kelly Rand” In blue ink;  Tony Randall, Herman Leonard photograph, “To George, / without whose / mallets the “Papa(?)” / theme could never / have been played. / Tony (Side Kick) / Randall / 3/58.”;  Cyril Ritchard, Fred Fehl photograph with stamp to verso, “To George Gaber / good luck / from / Cyril / Ritchard / 1958.” In blue ink, 5 x 7 (12.7 x 17.8);  Ned Rorem, “To George Gaber, with and / affectionate cymbal crash fun / times long past, present, and future. / Ned Rorem / 1976.” In black ink, 5 x 6.25 (12.7 x 15.9);  Max Rudolf, Louis Melancon photograph, “To George Gaber, / with best wishes, / Max Rudolf.” In black ink;  Gunther Schuller, “To my friend / George Gaber / best wishes / Gunther Schuller.” In blue ink;  William Schuman, “For George Gaber / with ___ regards / and memories of a fine performance / sincerely / William Schuman / March 1943 / New Rochelle, N. Y.” In black ink, together with typed letter signed on A4 The Chorus of Sarah Lawrence College stationary;  Menasha Skulnik, D.H. Simon photograph with D'Arlene Studios stamp to verso, “To George Gaber / With good wishes / Menasha Skulnik.” In blue ink;  Izler Solomon, J. Abresch of N.Y. photograph, “To: George Gaber: / In pleasant remembrance of a wonderful / summer in Aspen /  Izler Solomon / 1957.” In blue ink;  Spanky & Our Gang (Kenny Hodges, Nigel, Lefty Baker, and John Seiter), Mercury Records photograph, “For Debbie! / Kenny Hodges / Hi Debbie, Nigel / Lefty Baker / John Seiter.” – In blue ink;  Brad Spinney, “To George Gaber - / A great performer whose / artistry always sets an / example for any orchestra. / With great respect and admiration, / Brad Spinney.” In white ink;  Eleanor Steber, “Aspen - 1963 / To the George Gaber / with my love and / happy memories and of a wonderful summer / Eleanor Steber.”;  William Steinberg, “To Mr. / George Gaber, with compliments / and sincere / good wishes. / William / Steinberg / 1968.” In black marker. “7/68."  Together with typed letter signed on Pittsburgh Symphony Society stationary, The Pittsburg Symphony Society / William Steinberg, Music Director stationary“ Dated: Nov. 4, 1968. Addressed to Mr. George Gaber, Professor of Music, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. “Dear Mr. Gaber: Thank you for your very nice letter. I also might say how much I enjoyed meeting you again and making music with you. I hope this can be repeated sometime. I gladly comply with your wish and send you a photograph. Cordial wishes. Yours sincerely, William Steinberg.” Signed in blue ink.;  Rise Stevens, “To George / with warm / greetings - / Rise.” In blue ink. “8-82.”;  Rise Stevens, Autograph Letter Signed, August 7, 1982. “Dear George - / I am sending two photographs – one earlier in my career and the other taken recently. Display whichever one you wish. Delighted to hear from you again- all the best. Rise.” In black ink;  Three photographs of Rise Stevens, “To George / with every good wish - / affectionately / Rise Stevens” in black ink, “To George / with fond remembrances / Rise” in blue ink and dated “8-82,” and “To George Gaber / with all my very best wishes ! / Rise Stevens” in black ink;  Russell Stevenson, Bruno of Hollywood NYC photograph with stamp to verso, “Sincerely / Russ / Stevenson.” In blue ink, dated “10-56,” together with four miscellaneous newspaper clippings;  

Italo Tajo, Blackstone Studio photograph with stamp to verso, "Italo Tajo/ 1950";  Walter Susskind, Berko Studio of Aspen photograph with stamp to verso, “For George Gaber, / with affection / and admiration / Walter Susskind. / Aspen 1965.” In black ink, 10 x 8;  Deems Taylor, Barrett Gallagher photograph, “For George Gaber / from another alumnus / of “musical Americana” / Deems Taylor” In white ink;  Renata Tebaldi, Bruno of Hollywood N.Y. photograph, “To Mr. / George Gaber / Renata Tebaldi / cordially(?) / New York – 1959.” In blue ink;  Rina Telli, J. Abresch of N.Y. photograph, “To Mr. George Gaber / with best wishes always - / Sincerely / Rina Telli.” In blue ink, Telli's address to verso;  Virgil Thomson, “For George Gaber / cordially and / gratefully / Virgil Thompson.” In black ink, together with typed letter signed on personal station, dated: Jan. 9, 1974. To: Professor George Gaber, Music Dept., University of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana. In part: “Photo enclosed.” & “… I also need a small piece of orchestral score returned by Ross Allen, to whom I lent it.” Signed: “Virgil T.” In black ink;  Jennie Tourel, “To George / sincerely / Jennie Tourel / New York / 1958.” In blue ink;  Donald Voorhees, “To George Gaber, / with thanks and / all good wishes / Donald Voorhees / 5/24/60.” In blue ink, together with autograph letter unsigned on personal stationary.;  Donald Voorhees, J. Abresch of N.Y. photograph, “To / my friend, / George Gaber / with best / wishes / Donald Voorhees.” In blue ink;  Donald Voorhees, Western Electric Photographic Services stamp to verso, “For / George Gaber / with my best / always / Donald Voorhees.” In blue ink;  Leonard Warren, DeBellis of N.Y. photograph, “To George Gaber / with sincere wishes / Leonard Warren.” In black ink;  Andy Williams, “For / Debbie / Love / Andy Williams” In black marker;  John Zacherle, “To My Dear Debbie – From Her Old Country Sweetie-pie / Zacherle.” In blue ink;  Ramon and Lucinda, Boris Bakchy photograph with stamp to verso, “To George / A great musician / and a great / friend / Ramon + Lucinda” In black ink;  Vitya Vronsky and Victor Babin,  “Dec. 1st, 1942” / “To Mr. George Gaber sincerely / Victor Babin / Vitya Vronsky.” In black ink;  [Unidentified], Frank Mair Foto Service stamp to verso, “To George - / my new dear friend and / one of the greatest guys / and drummers in the / world / Sincerely – Dick.”;  [Unidentified] Murray ? - PS. 10 x 7-3/4 inches. “1941 / For Esther + George Gaber / with sincerest wishes for / a happy future together / from your “Best man” / Murray” In blue ink;  [Unidentified] ? - PS. 10 x 7-3/4 inches. “To / George / Gaber / In / Remembrance / of / a once / naughty / percussion / player / ? / 4/8/42”;  [Unidentified], Maurice Seymour of Chicago photograph, "[Unidentified signature]";  [Unidentified], J. Abresch of NY photograph with stamp to verso, “To / My splendid colleague - / George Gaber Sincerely / [Signature].” “1955.”;  [Unidentified], unsigned Geoffrey Landesman of Cleveland photograph;  together with six personal photographs of unidentified individuals.

From the collection of George Gaber (1916–2007), noted percussionist who performed with a number of professional ensembles, including the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, the Israel Philharmonic, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, and Baltimore Symphony and worked with Leonard Bernstein, Otto Klemperer, Igor Stravinsky, Henry Mancini, Duke Ellington and many others over the span of his career.  From 1960 to 1986 taught percussion at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University and was also an artist in residence at Carnegie Mellon University, an adjudicator for National Music Arts in Japan and the Canadian Music Competition, and a Hall of Fame recipient in Percussion Arts Society.

[Composers, Instrumentalists & Singers] Pearl Bailey, Sid Caesar, Robert Casadesus, Maurice Chevalier, Phyllis Curtin, Antal Dorati, Eileen Farrell, Lukas Foss, Edwin Frank Goldman, Dick Hyman, Robert Joffrey, Grant Johannesen, Andre Kostelanetz, Henry Ma

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[Composers, Instrumentalists & Singers] Pearl Bailey, Sid Caesar, Robert Casadesus, Maurice Chevalier, Phyllis Curtin, Antal Dorati, Eileen Farrell, Lukas Foss, Edwin Frank Goldman, Dick Hyman, Robert Joffrey, Grant Johannesen, Andre Kostelanetz, Henry Mancini, Peter Mennin, Zubin Metha, Patrice Munsel, Wilfrid Pelletier, Max Rudolf, William Schumann, Gunther Schuller, Rise Stevens, Walter Susskind, Deems Taylor, Renata Tebaldi, Virgil Thomson, Jennie Tourel, Leonard Warren, Vitya Vrinsky and Victor Babin, etc. . Collection of 130 signed photographs to influential percussionist George Gaber.
Collection of signed photographs, including numerous important figures from the worlds of jazz and classical music, dance and entertainment, together with several autograph and typed letters signed.  Some of the more notable names include Pearl Bailey, Sid Caesar, Robert Casadesus, Maurice Chevalier, Phyllis Curtin, Antal Dorati, Eileen Farrell, Lukas Foss, Edwin Frank Goldman, Dick Hyman, Robert Joffrey, Grant Johannesen, Andre Kostelanetz, Henry Mancini, Peter Mennin, Zubin Metha, Patrice Munsel, Wilfrid Pelletier, Max Rudolf, William Schumann, Gunther Schuller, Rise Stevens, Walter Susskind, Deems Taylor, Renata Tebaldi, Virgil Thomson, Jennie Tourel, Leonard Warren, Vitya Vrinsky and Victor Babin.  Generally in fine condition and measuring 8 x 10 inches (20.3 x 25.4 cm.) unless otherwise indicated. Complete alphabetical list, as follows:

A - B:
Franz Allers, Maurice Seymour of Chicago photograph with photographer stamp to verso, inscribed "To George Gaber / with all the good wishes in the world, / very cordially / Franz Allers / Pittsburgh, November 1942;  Alfred Antonini, Bruno of Hollywood NYC, "To George Gaber/ with admiration/ Alfredo Antonini/ New York 1974," 10 x 8 inches;  Alfred Antonini, "XO my dear friend George Gaber/ Sincerely/ Alfredo Antonini/ N.Y. 1964";  
Jim Backus, "To George/ Best wishes always/ Jim Backus," dated "3/58" by the recipient;  Pearl Bailey, "Love Pearl," "To Debbie" added in red ink;  Edward Ballentine, Fabian Bachrach glossy print with stamp to verso, "My Very Best to George/ A fine performer and a real friend/ Sincerely/ Eddie Ballantine";  Eddie Ballantine, Bloom of Chicago, dated "4/46" by the recipient;  Gertrude Berg, "Best wishes to Debbie/ Gertrude Berg," 3.75 x 5.75 inches (9.5 x 14.6 cm.);  Dr. Frank Black, "For/ George Gaber/ From/ Frank Black/ 9/21/50";  Pat Boone, "To Debbie-/ Your boy,/ Pat";  David Broekman, "David Broekman," dated "'59" by the recipient, together with three unsigned photographs of Broekman: 5 x 8 (12.7 x 20.3) photograph w/ photographer stamp to verso, 8 x 5 (20.3 x 12.7) photograph at the piano, and 8 x 10 Editta Sherman photograph with stamp to verso;  Billy Butterfield, James J. Kriegsmann of NY. "To my friend george/ in memory of/ our many years/ associated at A.B.C./ Billy Buttefield," "3/60"; 

Four photographs of Sid Caesar,  "To George Gaber/ my heart felt/ a beat./ Sid Caesar," "To George Gaber/ may I always/ be in/ tempo with/ you/ Sid Caesar" and dated "5/58," "Best wishes/ Sid Caesar" with crease in upper right corner, and "Best wishes/ Sid Caesar," with tear through lower half of photograph, else good;  Francis Carlyle, Bruno of Hollywood NYC photograph with stamp to verso, "To George:/ Best of everything/ to a regular fellow./ Francis Carlyle/ 'Ye Olde Swindler'";  Art Carney, "To George Gaber,/ with all good wishes/ from/ Art Carney";  María Inés Gómez Carrillo, "To Esther and George Gaber,/ Sincerely/ María Inés Gómez Carrillo/ N. York May 18, 1942";  Robert Casadesus, Lipnitzki of Paris, "To George Gaber/ Sincerely/ Robert Casadesus/ 1942";  Maurice Chevalier, "To George Gaber./ Maurice Chevalier/ 1958," together with a signed program for his residency at the Empire Room of the Waldorf Astoria, "To Debbie./ Maurice Chevalier," 5 x 7 (12.7 x 17.8);  Bobby Christian, Orchestras Inc. photograph of Bobby Christian and His Recording Orchestra, "To George/ Tops in percussion/ Bobby," 10 x 8;  Imogene Coca, Marcus Blechman of New York, "To George/ Regards/ Imogene Coca," dated "5/58," 7.25 x 9 (18.4 x 22.9);  Richard Cole, "To Geo:/ a great musician/ a fine gentleman/ and a good friend./ Richard Cole," dated "10/52," 5 x 7.25 (12.7 x 18.4);  Sergiu Comissiona, "To my dear friend,/ George Gaber,/ with best admiration/ and affection,/ Sergiu Comissiona/ Sept '84";  Milton J. Cross, "NBC PHOTO" stamp to verso, "To Geroge-/ with Best Wishes/ Milton J. Cross";  Phyllis Curtin, Eugene Cook photograph with stamp to verso, "For George/ Gaber, whose/ performance of the/ Milhaud concerto we shall/ remember gratefully always!/ Phyllis Curtin," dated "1964";  Phyllis Curtin, "For George Gaber-/ with warm greetings/ Phyllis Curtin"; 

D - F:
Antal Dorati, “To George Gaber / in old friendship / Antal Dorati / 1982”;  Donald Erb, “To Uncle George / in gratitude / and / affection / Donald Erb”;  Jean Erdman, Louis Melancon photograph, “To George Gaber / Magical drummer / Aloha / Jean Erdman,” with post-it note to verso, “Hi George - ! / This has been rather / slow in coming / but at last - / I could find a / photo from the / “dancing days” - / Happy Holidays - / Jean.”;  Jean Erdman, “To George thanks for a beautiful / evening/ Jean Erdman," dated "11/65";  Jean Erdman, "Greetings to George Gaber/ from Anna Livia Plurabelle of The Coach with the Six Insides/ Jean Erdman," 10 x 8;  Peter Erskine, unsigned photograph labelled "Peter Erskine with Stan Kenton/ 100% Slingerland";  Three photographs of Nanette Fabray, "George-/ with best wishes/ Nanette Fabray," Herb Ball of NBC photograph with stamp to verso inscribed "To George Gaber-/ With best wishes - all the/ way from 'Caesar's Hour'/ Nanette Fabray," and "To George/ with best wishes/ Nanette Fabray";  Eileen Farrell, “To George / with much love / and affection / and many happy memoirs / of our Bach Aria days / Eileen”;  Morey Feld, “To my friend George / Gaber, one of the all / time greats in the / field of / percussion / Morey";  José Ferrer, "José Ferrer," 7.5 x 9 (19 x 22.9);  Lukas Foss, inscribed on a piece of clipped paper and taped to the back: “For George Gaber / Thanks for the memory / of TIME-CYCLE in Aspen / with best Wishes / Lukas Foss.” In green ink. With a NS, 1 x 2-1/4 inch piece of paper typed & attached to the front: “For George Gaber / Thanks for the memory / of TIME-CYCLE in Aspen / with best Wishes / Lukas Foss.” 5.75 x 7.5 (14.6 x 19);  

Dr. Gino, “To George - / The “master of / percussion” / with many happy / memories / “Dr. Gino(?).” In blue ink and all but the signature over traced in black ink. 7.75 x 9 (19.7 x 22.9);  Billy Gladstone, “To George Gaber / “The world’s greatest / timpanist” / most sincerely / Billy Gladstone.” In red ink. “Kodacolor Enlargement / June 1959” stamped on the back.;  Max Goberman, “To George Gaber, / staunch / timpanist / sincerely / Max / Goberman / 1949,” Goberman's address to verso;  Moe Goldenberg, Popsie of NY, “To George / with my best / wishes. I miss / you / Moe / Goldenberg.”;  Edwin Frank Goldman, “To George J. Gaber / My excellent timpanist / with best wishes. / Edwin Franko Goldman / Aug. 12/43.” In black ink.  Together with typed letter signed on A4 Goldman Band stationary, 1 pp., April 17, 1944;  Two photographs of Saul Goodman, “To George / A fine artist / + great percussionist / fond / remembrance of / Saul Goodman 6/1/1963,” and “To Professor Gaber / and his fine students with / thanks for an unforgettable time in Bloomington / sincerely – Saul Goodman 10/19/1972.”;  Noah Greenberg, “To George / with affection / Noah Greenberg.” In blue ink.;  Igo Guttmann, photograph postcard, inscription in German, 3.5 x 5.5 (8.9 x 14);  Bobby Hackett, Duncan Schiedt photograph with stamp to verso, “To George / One of my favorite / swingers, “miss you” Bobby Hackett.” In black ink. “5/61” – Photo. 3 x 3 inches taped onto the back Image of George Gaber with Bobby Hackett.;  Ruth Berman Harris, Maurice Seymour of Chicago, “To Esther + George - / my best wishes / for your great happiness / together - / Ruth Berman Harris / May 16th, 1941” together with small 2 x 2 photograph of Harris playing the harp, stamped “Robert E. Baker / of Cottage Street / New Haven, Conn.” to verso;  Erick Hawkins, Michael Avedon photograph with stamp to veso, “With best / To George / from Erick.” In blue marker. “Eric Hawkins in Naked Leopard” & “Erick Hawkins Dance Company” stamped to verso;  Dick Hyman, “To George: An early colleague + a great friend - / Dick Hyman.” 

In black marker.;  Sam Jaffe, “To George Gaber / Gauga Din is a long / way from the Eternal Road which our travels / together at the old Manhattan / Opera House. Best always / Sam Jaffe,” in blue ink together with autograph letter signed dated May 31, 1960;  Robert Joffrey, “Dear George / with my very / best wishes / to a wonderful / musician / Robert / Joffrey.”;  Grant Johannesen, Bonden of NY photograph, “For George + Esther: / Remembering many / happy days at Aspen / and in lasting / admiration - / Grant Johannesen / Aug ’62.” In blue ink;  Boris Karloff, "To George Gaber/ Sincerely, Borris Karloff" (secretarially singed);  Hugo Kolberg, “To George Gaber / with best wishes / Hugo Kolberg / Dec. 1943,” 10 x 8;  Irwin Kostal, “To George: / Thanks for remembering me / you always were / one of the best / your friend / Irwin (Irv) Kostal.” In blue ink, together with charming and personal autograph letter signed, “Dear George / Do I remember you???!!!... Irv Irwin Kostal," a copy of Gaber's initial letter, and newspaper clipping;  Andre Kostelantetz, De Bellis Studios with stamp to verso, “To G. Gaber / with every best wish / Andre Kostelanetz”;  Andre Kostelantetz, “For / George Gaber / bravo for your / wonderful performance / - all best wishes - / Andre Kostelanetz.” In black marker. “9/68.”;  Phil Kraus, Bob Alderson of New York, “To my dear friend / George Gaber - / In my mind you / are America’s finest / timpanist – a true / artist / Sincerely / Phil Kraus.”;  Two photographs of Karl Kruege, both stamped to verso with "Property of General Motors," inscribed “To George Gaber / in high esteem / Karl Kruege / 6-III-50,” and “To my friend / George Gaber / with best wishes / Karl Kruege / NYC / 14-IX-59.”;  

L -M:
The Limeliters, “A Souvenir for / George Gaber / from the Limeliters / with best wishes / Lou Gottileb.” & “Glen Yarbough.” & “Alex Hassilev.” In blue ink.;  The Limeliters, RCA Victor, “And for Debbie with our / love / Lou Gottileb.” In blue ink. “Alex Hassilev.” In blue ink. “Glen Yarbough.” In blue ink;  Collage of unsigned photographs and a newspaper clipping related to Ralph Lipton;  Henry Mancini, “To my / dear friend / George - / warmest / wishes - / Henry / Mancini / Dec 80.”;  Eddy Manson, Popsie of NY, “To George - / A remarkable / talent + a / real “pro” - / your good friend - / Eddy Manson,” heavy wear to corners;  Bill Mather, “To my good friend G.G. (“Masonic symbol”) / From Bill “who else ? !” Mather.” In blue ink. “3-56” in black marker. - Stamped on the back: Mather Drum Center with address. 3.75 x 5 (9.5 x 12.7);  Johnny Mathis, piece of paper inscribed “To Debbie / Sincerely, / Johnny Mathis,” 4.5 x 4 (11.4 x 10.2);  Edwin McArthur, “To George Gaber / With best wishes / Sincerely Edwin McArthur, 1941” In blue ink.;  Peter Mennin, Christian Steiner photograph, “To George Gaber - / with best / wishes / Peter Mennin / 7/20/76.” In black ink, together with typed letter signed from Gaber mounted to back of photograph and typed letter signed on Juilliard School/ Office of the President/ stationary from Mennin;  Peter Mennin, J. Abresch of N.Y. photograph, “To George Gaber / with best / wishes, / Peter Mennin /  3/3/1962.” In black ink.;  Jorge Mester, Charles Abbott photograph with stamp to verso, “2/4/02 / To the great master / of percussion and a / dear friend – lots of / love - / Jorge,” 8 x 7.5 (20.3 x 19);  Jorge Mester, “7/5/02 / To George Gaber - / with love and / admiration for / your dedication to / your art and to your / students - / Jorge Mester.” In gold ink. Pasadena Symphony, Jorge Mester Music Director stamped on the back.;  Zubin Metha, Dan Porges color photograph, "Zubin Metha," 6 x 9 (15.2 x 22.9);  Edith Möller, Kurt Julius photograph with stamp to verso, “Mr. George Gaber / in herzlicher ?[Germany]? / Edith Moller.” “Obernkirchen / 12/59,” 9.5 x 7 (24.1 x 17.8);  Patrice Munsel, “To George Gaber / my dear “mallet” man, / with warm affection / Patrice Munsel Schuler.” In blue ink. 3/58;  Maria Neglia, Photograph Postcard, “To George / Sincerely / Maria Neglia.” In blue ink, 3.5 x 5.5 (8.9 x 14);  New York Pro Musica [Noah Greenberg, Paul Maynard, Carolyn Baeler, Gordon Myers, Sheila Schonbrun, Robert White, Barbara Muesser, Shelly Gruskin, Brayton Lewis, Charles Bressler, Paul Maynard, and LaNoue Davenport], “With love from Pro Musica / Noah Greenberg / [cut paper, typed: To the one and only / George Gaber with love / Pro Musica].” In black ink. On the front.;  “To the one and only George Gaber / with love from Pro Musica. // [signed] Noah Greenberg, Paul Maynard, Carolyn Baeler, Gordon Myers, Sheila Schonbrun, Robert White, Barbara Muesser, Shelly Gruskin, Brayton Lewis, Charles Bressler, and LaNoue Davenport.” In black ink. On the back. Also stamped on the back: New York Pro Musica / Noah Greenberg, Musical Director. [note with list of signers’ names “To George” attached to the front], 10 x 8;  

Red Norvo, “To my friend George Gaber / In the best of Health – Best of Luck / Sincerely Red Norvo / 6/68.” In blue marker, 10 x 8;  Frank A. Panella, “With best wishes to my / jovial, good friend, George Gaber, / Sincerely, / Frank A. Panella, / 'The Old Grey Mare,'” together with sheet music for "Mothers of Democracy," "On the Square," two copies of "The Razzberry (Heel! Hitler! Heel!)," and two lyric sheets for "On the Square.";  Gloria Parker, irregularly trimmed photograph postcard, “George / Musically / yours/ Gloria / 6/56,” 3.5 x 5 (8.9 x 12.7);  Jan Peerce, Holman of N.Y., “To George Gaber / with all grand / wishes / In Admiration / your friend / Jan Peerce / 3/1958."  Wilfrid Pelletier, J. Abresch of N.Y., “To George Gaber the (drawing of a drum) / in remembrance of a / long association / with best wishes / Wilfrid Pelletier / 1960.” – In white ink.;  Jonel Perlea, photograph postcard, "To George Gaber with/ my best wishes and/ friendship/ Jonel Perlea/ 1954," 3.25 x 5.25 (8.2 x 13.3);  Marta Ptaszynska, “To Dear George / With Love / Marta Ptaszynska / January 30, 1991.” In black ink, 5 x 7 (12.7 x 17.8);  

R -S:
Kelly Rand, Bruno of Hollywood NYC with stamp to verso, “To George + Esther / Best wishes / Sincerely /Kelly Rand” In blue ink;  Tony Randall, Herman Leonard photograph, “To George, / without whose / mallets the “Papa(?)” / theme could never / have been played. / Tony (Side Kick) / Randall / 3/58.”;  Cyril Ritchard, Fred Fehl photograph with stamp to verso, “To George Gaber / good luck / from / Cyril / Ritchard / 1958.” In blue ink, 5 x 7 (12.7 x 17.8);  Ned Rorem, “To George Gaber, with and / affectionate cymbal crash fun / times long past, present, and future. / Ned Rorem / 1976.” In black ink, 5 x 6.25 (12.7 x 15.9);  Max Rudolf, Louis Melancon photograph, “To George Gaber, / with best wishes, / Max Rudolf.” In black ink;  Gunther Schuller, “To my friend / George Gaber / best wishes / Gunther Schuller.” In blue ink;  William Schuman, “For George Gaber / with ___ regards / and memories of a fine performance / sincerely / William Schuman / March 1943 / New Rochelle, N. Y.” In black ink, together with typed letter signed on A4 The Chorus of Sarah Lawrence College stationary;  Menasha Skulnik, D.H. Simon photograph with D'Arlene Studios stamp to verso, “To George Gaber / With good wishes / Menasha Skulnik.” In blue ink;  Izler Solomon, J. Abresch of N.Y. photograph, “To: George Gaber: / In pleasant remembrance of a wonderful / summer in Aspen /  Izler Solomon / 1957.” In blue ink;  Spanky & Our Gang (Kenny Hodges, Nigel, Lefty Baker, and John Seiter), Mercury Records photograph, “For Debbie! / Kenny Hodges / Hi Debbie, Nigel / Lefty Baker / John Seiter.” – In blue ink;  Brad Spinney, “To George Gaber - / A great performer whose / artistry always sets an / example for any orchestra. / With great respect and admiration, / Brad Spinney.” In white ink;  Eleanor Steber, “Aspen - 1963 / To the George Gaber / with my love and / happy memories and of a wonderful summer / Eleanor Steber.”;  William Steinberg, “To Mr. / George Gaber, with compliments / and sincere / good wishes. / William / Steinberg / 1968.” In black marker. “7/68."  Together with typed letter signed on Pittsburgh Symphony Society stationary, The Pittsburg Symphony Society / William Steinberg, Music Director stationary“ Dated: Nov. 4, 1968. Addressed to Mr. George Gaber, Professor of Music, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. “Dear Mr. Gaber: Thank you for your very nice letter. I also might say how much I enjoyed meeting you again and making music with you. I hope this can be repeated sometime. I gladly comply with your wish and send you a photograph. Cordial wishes. Yours sincerely, William Steinberg.” Signed in blue ink.;  Rise Stevens, “To George / with warm / greetings - / Rise.” In blue ink. “8-82.”;  Rise Stevens, Autograph Letter Signed, August 7, 1982. “Dear George - / I am sending two photographs – one earlier in my career and the other taken recently. Display whichever one you wish. Delighted to hear from you again- all the best. Rise.” In black ink;  Three photographs of Rise Stevens, “To George / with every good wish - / affectionately / Rise Stevens” in black ink, “To George / with fond remembrances / Rise” in blue ink and dated “8-82,” and “To George Gaber / with all my very best wishes ! / Rise Stevens” in black ink;  Russell Stevenson, Bruno of Hollywood NYC photograph with stamp to verso, “Sincerely / Russ / Stevenson.” In blue ink, dated “10-56,” together with four miscellaneous newspaper clippings;  

Italo Tajo, Blackstone Studio photograph with stamp to verso, "Italo Tajo/ 1950";  Walter Susskind, Berko Studio of Aspen photograph with stamp to verso, “For George Gaber, / with affection / and admiration / Walter Susskind. / Aspen 1965.” In black ink, 10 x 8;  Deems Taylor, Barrett Gallagher photograph, “For George Gaber / from another alumnus / of “musical Americana” / Deems Taylor” In white ink;  Renata Tebaldi, Bruno of Hollywood N.Y. photograph, “To Mr. / George Gaber / Renata Tebaldi / cordially(?) / New York – 1959.” In blue ink;  Rina Telli, J. Abresch of N.Y. photograph, “To Mr. George Gaber / with best wishes always - / Sincerely / Rina Telli.” In blue ink, Telli's address to verso;  Virgil Thomson, “For George Gaber / cordially and / gratefully / Virgil Thompson.” In black ink, together with typed letter signed on personal station, dated: Jan. 9, 1974. To: Professor George Gaber, Music Dept., University of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana. In part: “Photo enclosed.” & “… I also need a small piece of orchestral score returned by Ross Allen, to whom I lent it.” Signed: “Virgil T.” In black ink;  Jennie Tourel, “To George / sincerely / Jennie Tourel / New York / 1958.” In blue ink;  Donald Voorhees, “To George Gaber, / with thanks and / all good wishes / Donald Voorhees / 5/24/60.” In blue ink, together with autograph letter unsigned on personal stationary.;  Donald Voorhees, J. Abresch of N.Y. photograph, “To / my friend, / George Gaber / with best / wishes / Donald Voorhees.” In blue ink;  Donald Voorhees, Western Electric Photographic Services stamp to verso, “For / George Gaber / with my best / always / Donald Voorhees.” In blue ink;  Leonard Warren, DeBellis of N.Y. photograph, “To George Gaber / with sincere wishes / Leonard Warren.” In black ink;  Andy Williams, “For / Debbie / Love / Andy Williams” In black marker;  John Zacherle, “To My Dear Debbie – From Her Old Country Sweetie-pie / Zacherle.” In blue ink;  Ramon and Lucinda, Boris Bakchy photograph with stamp to verso, “To George / A great musician / and a great / friend / Ramon + Lucinda” In black ink;  Vitya Vronsky and Victor Babin,  “Dec. 1st, 1942” / “To Mr. George Gaber sincerely / Victor Babin / Vitya Vronsky.” In black ink;  [Unidentified], Frank Mair Foto Service stamp to verso, “To George - / my new dear friend and / one of the greatest guys / and drummers in the / world / Sincerely – Dick.”;  [Unidentified] Murray ? - PS. 10 x 7-3/4 inches. “1941 / For Esther + George Gaber / with sincerest wishes for / a happy future together / from your “Best man” / Murray” In blue ink;  [Unidentified] ? - PS. 10 x 7-3/4 inches. “To / George / Gaber / In / Remembrance / of / a once / naughty / percussion / player / ? / 4/8/42”;  [Unidentified], Maurice Seymour of Chicago photograph, "[Unidentified signature]";  [Unidentified], J. Abresch of NY photograph with stamp to verso, “To / My splendid colleague - / George Gaber Sincerely / [Signature].” “1955.”;  [Unidentified], unsigned Geoffrey Landesman of Cleveland photograph;  together with six personal photographs of unidentified individuals.

From the collection of George Gaber (1916–2007), noted percussionist who performed with a number of professional ensembles, including the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, the Israel Philharmonic, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, and Baltimore Symphony and worked with Leonard Bernstein, Otto Klemperer, Igor Stravinsky, Henry Mancini, Duke Ellington and many others over the span of his career.  From 1960 to 1986 taught percussion at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University and was also an artist in residence at Carnegie Mellon University, an adjudicator for National Music Arts in Japan and the Canadian Music Competition, and a Hall of Fame recipient in Percussion Arts Society.