Alain, Jehan. (1911 - 1940). L' Oeuvre d'Orgue. . Paris: A. Leduc. 1942. First edition.
Upright folio. Tome 1. 30 pages. A privately issued edition for the "Amis de l'Auteur," number 94 of only 100 examples printed on Alpha Navarre. A very rare publication from two years after the combat death of the influential French organist and composer.
Alain, Jehan. (1911 - 1940). L' Oeuvre d'Orgue. . Paris: A. Leduc. 1942. First edition.
Upright folio. Tome 1. 30 pages. A privately issued edition for the "Amis de l'Auteur," number 94 of only 100 examples printed on Alpha Navarre. A very rare publication from two years after the combat death of the influential French organist and composer.