Signed note from the great Polish pianist, composer and statesman who was prime minister and foreign minister of the Polish Republic. [Estoril, Portugal], October 13, 1940. 1 p. Paderewski sends greetings on the 40th birthday of his private secretary, Ignacy Kollupajlo. The note is signed by the pianist, his sister Antonina Wilkonska Paderewska, secretary Sylwin Strakacz, his wife Aniela Strakacz (who later wrote a memoir about Paderewski), and Anetka Strakacz. Toning and a slight smudge to Paderewski's signature; overall fine. 5.5 x 8.5 inches (13.9 x 21.5 cm). Together with the transmissal envelope, a typed translation, two visiting cards (one with Kollupailo's name and title as Paderewski's secretary; one with the names Ignace G. LaGrange and Guy de Kollupailo), and a clipped obituary for Kollupailo, who died in Dallas, TX.
Signed note from the great Polish pianist, composer and statesman who was prime minister and foreign minister of the Polish Republic. [Estoril, Portugal], October 13, 1940. 1 p. Paderewski sends greetings on the 40th birthday of his private secretary, Ignacy Kollupajlo. The note is signed by the pianist, his sister Antonina Wilkonska Paderewska, secretary Sylwin Strakacz, his wife Aniela Strakacz (who later wrote a memoir about Paderewski), and Anetka Strakacz. Toning and a slight smudge to Paderewski's signature; overall fine. 5.5 x 8.5 inches (13.9 x 21.5 cm). Together with the transmissal envelope, a typed translation, two visiting cards (one with Kollupailo's name and title as Paderewski's secretary; one with the names Ignace G. LaGrange and Guy de Kollupailo), and a clipped obituary for Kollupailo, who died in Dallas, TX.