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Rode, Pierre. (1774-1830) [Baillot, Pierre. (1771-1842)]. Complete Violin Concerti, Inscribed by Rode to Baillot. Paris: Various Publishers. c. 1796-1831. An extremely rare copy of Rode's complete violin concerti, thirteen separate issues bound together, including nine rare first editions. Pink marbled boards with burgundy half leather.  This volume formerly owned by the important violinist, Pierre Baillot. The first free end page signed "P Baillot, Professor au Conservataire," two of the concerti (No. 10 and No. 12) inscribed by Rode to Baillot on their title-pages, one (No. 7) signed "P. Rode" and inscribed "Violino Principale" by the composer, and two (No. 4 and No. 6) inscribed "Violino Principale" by the composer. An historic association copy. 

"Rode was the most finished representative of the French violin school. Having assimilated Viotti’s Classical approach, he imbued it with characteristically French verve, piquancy and a kind of nervous bravura. His artistic growth took place during the revolutionary decade, and it is not surprising that his music is akin to that of Cherubini and Méhul and the operas of the 1790s; there is declamatory pathos, martial dash and melting cantilena. His gift for lyrical, often melancholy melody, which represents a prominent trend in French music of this period, made his music particularly attractive to German early Romantic composers. Rode’s best music is in his 13 concertos: they represent, to a greater degree than those of Viotti, the model of the French violin concerto, accepted as such by the entire generation and respected even by Beethoven [who composed his Opus. 96 Violin Sonata for Rode]." (Grove Online)

Pierre Baillot, was leader of Napoleon's private orchestra and later, was also leader of the orchestra of the Paris Opéra and of the Chapelle Royale. "Baillot was the last representative of the Classical Paris school of violinists. A remarkable virtuoso, his playing was distinguished by a noble, powerful tone, neatness of execution and a pure, elevated style....The founder in France of the first chamber music group of professional musicians, he made a major contribution to the diffusion of a hitherto unknown repertory (principally the quartets and quintets of Boccherini and Mozart and the quartets of Haydn and Beethoven)...A renowned and influential pedagogue, Baillot had numerous pupils, including Mazas, Sauzay, and Charles and Léopold Dancla. A prolific and talented composer, besides nine concertos and a symphonie concertante for two violins, he wrote ‘airs’ and ‘thèmes variés’, caprices and études, duos, trios, string quartets and a sonata for piano and violin. Although his compositions are almost entirely forgotten, L’art du violon (1834) still holds its place as a standard work. He took a prominent part with Viotti’s other two greatest pupils, Rode and Kreutzer, in compiling and editing the Méthode de violon and a similar work for the cello." (Grove Online)

Edition citations, when listed, are from "The Life and Music of Pierre Rode" by Arthur Pougin (Orpheus Press Reprint, 1994). Individual works as follows: 

Premier Concerto Pour le Violon, Dedie a J.B.Viotti, par P. Rode, son Eleve. A Paris: Chez Janet et Cotelle, c. 1825. Violino Principale. Title; 1-11. Engraved. [PN] 492. Stamped by Janet et Cotelle. No copies listed by OCLC.


Second Concerto Pour le Violon, dedie a son Ami Kreutzer, Par P. Rode. A Paris: Chez Janet et Cotelle, c. 1825. Violino Principale. Title; 1-13. Engraved. [PN] 504. Stamped by Janet et Cotelle. No copies listed by OCLC.


Troisieme Concerto De Violon, Compose par P. Rode, Dedie a son Ami Hoppe d'Hambourg. Execute par l'Auteur au Theatre de l'Opera. A Paris: Chez Augte. Le Duc, c. 1806. Violino Principale. Title; 2-19. Engraved. [PN] 312. First Edition (Pougin, p. 65). No copies listed by OCLC. 


Quatrieme Concerto a Violon Principal, Compose & Dedie au Cen. Seguin par P. Rode, Membre du Conservatoire de Musique de Paris. A Paris: Chez Imbault, c. 1801. Violino Principale. Title; 1-11. Engraved. [PN] 542. Title page inscribed "Violino Principale" in ink by the composer, with a Decombe label affixed over the original engraved imprint, c.1801. First Edition (Pougin, p. 65). No copies listed by OCLC. 


Cinquieme Concerto pour le Violon, Compose & Dedie A son Ami Brassinne, par P. Rode Du Conservatoire de Musique. A Paris: Chez Imbault, c. 1801. Violino Principale. Title; Verso and Page 1 are the publisher's catalog; 2-10. Engraved. [PN] 106. Stamped by Imbault. First Edition (Pougin, p. 65). One copy listed by OCLC. 


Sixieme Concerto a Violon Principal, Compose & Dedie a sa Majeste la Reine d'Espagne par P. Rode, Membre du Conservatoire de Musique. A Paris: Chez Imbault, c. 1801. Violino Principale. Title; 2-11. Engraved. [PN] 29. Title page inscribed "Violino Principale" in ink by the composer, stamped by Imbault. First Edition (Pougin, p. 65). No copies listed by OCLC. CPM 48 p.287; BUC Vol.2, p.895 citing only one copy. 


Septieme Concerto pour le Violon, Avec Accompagnement de deux Violons, Alto, Basse, une Flute, deux Hautbois, deux Bassons, deux Cors et Timbales. Dedie a Monsieur Walter Johnston par P. Rode, Premier Violon de la Musique Particuliere du Premier Consul. Oeuvre 9. A Paris: Chez Cherubini, Mehul, Kreutzer, Rode, N. Isouard et Boieldieu, c. 1802. Violino Principale. Title; 1-9. Engraved. [PN] 12. Title page signed "P.Rode" and inscribed "Violino Principale" in ink by the composer, stamped by Cherubini et al. First Edition (Pougin, p. 65). One copy listed by OCLC. 


Huitieme Concerto de Violon, Avec Accompagnt. de deux Violons, Ripieno, Alto, Basse, une Flute, deux Hautbois, deux Bassons et deux Cors. Compose et Dedie a Mademoiselle Josephine Grassini Par P. Rode, Premier Violon de sa Majeste l'Empereur de toutes le Russies. A Paris: Au Magasin de Musique Dirige par MMrs. Cherubini, Mehul, Kreutzer, Rode, N. Isouard et Boieldieu, c. 1802. Violino Principale. Title; 1-11. Engraved. [PN] 332. Title page stamped with signature of composer, also stamped by Cherubini et al. Pencil markings throughout. First Edition (Pougin, p. 66). No copies listed by OCLC. 


Neuvieme Concerto pour Violon principal, Avec Accompagnt. de deux Violons Alto Basse Flutes Hautbois Cors et Bassons. Dedie A son Excellence Monsieur le Comte Ilinski, Senateur Chambelland de S. M. l'Empereur de toutes les Russies; Chevalier de l'Ordre de St. Alexandre Neuvski 1re. Classe, et des Ordres de Pologni par P. Rode, Premier Violon de S.M.I. Alexandre 1er. Empereur de toutes les Russies. A Paris: Chez J. Frey, c. 1812. Violino Principale. Title; 1-11. Engraved. [PN] 456. Title page stamped by J. Frey. First Edition (Pougin, p. 66). No copies listed by OCLC.


Souvenir, dedie aux Amis de Stalgen en Courlande. Concerto de Violon No. 10, avec Accompagnement de deux Violons, Alto et Basse, une Flute, deux Hautbois, deux Bassons, deux Cors, Trompettes et Timballen. Na. Ce Concerto a ete Execute par l'Auteur, au Concert qu'il donna au Theatre de l'Imperatrice, a son retour a Paris. Compose par P. Rode. A Paris: Chez Frey, c. 1811. Violino Principale. Title; 1-9. Engraved. No plate number. "de la Part de l'auteur a son ami Baillot" written in ink on the title page, stamped by P. Rode and J. Frey. Pencil markings throughout. First Edition (Pougin, p. 66). No copies listed by OCLC.  


Onzieme Concerto pour Violon Principal, avec Accompagnement de deux Violons, Alto et Basse, Flute, Hautbois, Cors, Bassons, Trompettes et Timbales ad-libitum. Dedie a Monsieur David Johnston, Bordeaux, par P. Rode. NB. Les Lettres Majuscules disseminees dans la Partie du Violon Principal et dans les Accompts., sont des points de reunion qu'on aura qu'a designer pour que l'Orchestre sache de suite ou il doit reprendre. Opera 23. A Paris: J. Frey, c. 1812. Violin Principal. Title; 1-12. Engraved. [PN] C. Title page stamped by J. Frey. Red pencil markings throughout. First Edition (Pougin, p. 66). No copies listed by OCLC. 


Douzieme Concerto Pour Violon Principal, avec Accompagnement de deux Violons, Alto et Basse, Instruments a vent (ad libitum.) Dedie a Sa Majeste l'Empereur de Russie, par P. Rode, Cevalier de la Legion d'Honneur. Op: 26. Nota, Les Lettres majuscules disseminees dans la partie du Violon Principal et dans les Accompagts., sont des points de reunion qu'on n'aura qu'a designer pour que l'Orchestre sache ou il doit reprendre. A Paris: J. Frey, c. 1812. Violino Principale. Title; 1-11. Engraved. [PN] 661. "Offert par l'auteur a son ami Baillot" written in orange pencil on title page, stamped by J. Frey. First Edition (Pougin, p. 66). No copies listed by OCLC. 


Treizieme Concerto pour le Violon, Avec Accompagnement d'Orchestre. Dedie a son ami Baillot, Professeur au Conservatoire &c. par P. Rode. Oeuvre Posthume. A Paris: Chez Launer, c. 1831. Violon Principal. Title; 2-15. Engraved. [PN] 2890. First Edition (Pougin, p. 66). No copies listed by OCLC

Rode, Pierre. (1774-1830) [Baillot, Pierre. (1771-1842)] Complete Violin Concerti, Inscribed by Rode to Baillot

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Rode, Pierre. (1774-1830) [Baillot, Pierre. (1771-1842)]. Complete Violin Concerti, Inscribed by Rode to Baillot. Paris: Various Publishers. c. 1796-1831. An extremely rare copy of Rode's complete violin concerti, thirteen separate issues bound together, including nine rare first editions. Pink marbled boards with burgundy half leather.  This volume formerly owned by the important violinist, Pierre Baillot. The first free end page signed "P Baillot, Professor au Conservataire," two of the concerti (No. 10 and No. 12) inscribed by Rode to Baillot on their title-pages, one (No. 7) signed "P. Rode" and inscribed "Violino Principale" by the composer, and two (No. 4 and No. 6) inscribed "Violino Principale" by the composer. An historic association copy. 

"Rode was the most finished representative of the French violin school. Having assimilated Viotti’s Classical approach, he imbued it with characteristically French verve, piquancy and a kind of nervous bravura. His artistic growth took place during the revolutionary decade, and it is not surprising that his music is akin to that of Cherubini and Méhul and the operas of the 1790s; there is declamatory pathos, martial dash and melting cantilena. His gift for lyrical, often melancholy melody, which represents a prominent trend in French music of this period, made his music particularly attractive to German early Romantic composers. Rode’s best music is in his 13 concertos: they represent, to a greater degree than those of Viotti, the model of the French violin concerto, accepted as such by the entire generation and respected even by Beethoven [who composed his Opus. 96 Violin Sonata for Rode]." (Grove Online)

Pierre Baillot, was leader of Napoleon's private orchestra and later, was also leader of the orchestra of the Paris Opéra and of the Chapelle Royale. "Baillot was the last representative of the Classical Paris school of violinists. A remarkable virtuoso, his playing was distinguished by a noble, powerful tone, neatness of execution and a pure, elevated style....The founder in France of the first chamber music group of professional musicians, he made a major contribution to the diffusion of a hitherto unknown repertory (principally the quartets and quintets of Boccherini and Mozart and the quartets of Haydn and Beethoven)...A renowned and influential pedagogue, Baillot had numerous pupils, including Mazas, Sauzay, and Charles and Léopold Dancla. A prolific and talented composer, besides nine concertos and a symphonie concertante for two violins, he wrote ‘airs’ and ‘thèmes variés’, caprices and études, duos, trios, string quartets and a sonata for piano and violin. Although his compositions are almost entirely forgotten, L’art du violon (1834) still holds its place as a standard work. He took a prominent part with Viotti’s other two greatest pupils, Rode and Kreutzer, in compiling and editing the Méthode de violon and a similar work for the cello." (Grove Online)

Edition citations, when listed, are from "The Life and Music of Pierre Rode" by Arthur Pougin (Orpheus Press Reprint, 1994). Individual works as follows: 

Premier Concerto Pour le Violon, Dedie a J.B.Viotti, par P. Rode, son Eleve. A Paris: Chez Janet et Cotelle, c. 1825. Violino Principale. Title; 1-11. Engraved. [PN] 492. Stamped by Janet et Cotelle. No copies listed by OCLC.


Second Concerto Pour le Violon, dedie a son Ami Kreutzer, Par P. Rode. A Paris: Chez Janet et Cotelle, c. 1825. Violino Principale. Title; 1-13. Engraved. [PN] 504. Stamped by Janet et Cotelle. No copies listed by OCLC.


Troisieme Concerto De Violon, Compose par P. Rode, Dedie a son Ami Hoppe d'Hambourg. Execute par l'Auteur au Theatre de l'Opera. A Paris: Chez Augte. Le Duc, c. 1806. Violino Principale. Title; 2-19. Engraved. [PN] 312. First Edition (Pougin, p. 65). No copies listed by OCLC. 


Quatrieme Concerto a Violon Principal, Compose & Dedie au Cen. Seguin par P. Rode, Membre du Conservatoire de Musique de Paris. A Paris: Chez Imbault, c. 1801. Violino Principale. Title; 1-11. Engraved. [PN] 542. Title page inscribed "Violino Principale" in ink by the composer, with a Decombe label affixed over the original engraved imprint, c.1801. First Edition (Pougin, p. 65). No copies listed by OCLC. 


Cinquieme Concerto pour le Violon, Compose & Dedie A son Ami Brassinne, par P. Rode Du Conservatoire de Musique. A Paris: Chez Imbault, c. 1801. Violino Principale. Title; Verso and Page 1 are the publisher's catalog; 2-10. Engraved. [PN] 106. Stamped by Imbault. First Edition (Pougin, p. 65). One copy listed by OCLC. 


Sixieme Concerto a Violon Principal, Compose & Dedie a sa Majeste la Reine d'Espagne par P. Rode, Membre du Conservatoire de Musique. A Paris: Chez Imbault, c. 1801. Violino Principale. Title; 2-11. Engraved. [PN] 29. Title page inscribed "Violino Principale" in ink by the composer, stamped by Imbault. First Edition (Pougin, p. 65). No copies listed by OCLC. CPM 48 p.287; BUC Vol.2, p.895 citing only one copy. 


Septieme Concerto pour le Violon, Avec Accompagnement de deux Violons, Alto, Basse, une Flute, deux Hautbois, deux Bassons, deux Cors et Timbales. Dedie a Monsieur Walter Johnston par P. Rode, Premier Violon de la Musique Particuliere du Premier Consul. Oeuvre 9. A Paris: Chez Cherubini, Mehul, Kreutzer, Rode, N. Isouard et Boieldieu, c. 1802. Violino Principale. Title; 1-9. Engraved. [PN] 12. Title page signed "P.Rode" and inscribed "Violino Principale" in ink by the composer, stamped by Cherubini et al. First Edition (Pougin, p. 65). One copy listed by OCLC. 


Huitieme Concerto de Violon, Avec Accompagnt. de deux Violons, Ripieno, Alto, Basse, une Flute, deux Hautbois, deux Bassons et deux Cors. Compose et Dedie a Mademoiselle Josephine Grassini Par P. Rode, Premier Violon de sa Majeste l'Empereur de toutes le Russies. A Paris: Au Magasin de Musique Dirige par MMrs. Cherubini, Mehul, Kreutzer, Rode, N. Isouard et Boieldieu, c. 1802. Violino Principale. Title; 1-11. Engraved. [PN] 332. Title page stamped with signature of composer, also stamped by Cherubini et al. Pencil markings throughout. First Edition (Pougin, p. 66). No copies listed by OCLC. 


Neuvieme Concerto pour Violon principal, Avec Accompagnt. de deux Violons Alto Basse Flutes Hautbois Cors et Bassons. Dedie A son Excellence Monsieur le Comte Ilinski, Senateur Chambelland de S. M. l'Empereur de toutes les Russies; Chevalier de l'Ordre de St. Alexandre Neuvski 1re. Classe, et des Ordres de Pologni par P. Rode, Premier Violon de S.M.I. Alexandre 1er. Empereur de toutes les Russies. A Paris: Chez J. Frey, c. 1812. Violino Principale. Title; 1-11. Engraved. [PN] 456. Title page stamped by J. Frey. First Edition (Pougin, p. 66). No copies listed by OCLC.


Souvenir, dedie aux Amis de Stalgen en Courlande. Concerto de Violon No. 10, avec Accompagnement de deux Violons, Alto et Basse, une Flute, deux Hautbois, deux Bassons, deux Cors, Trompettes et Timballen. Na. Ce Concerto a ete Execute par l'Auteur, au Concert qu'il donna au Theatre de l'Imperatrice, a son retour a Paris. Compose par P. Rode. A Paris: Chez Frey, c. 1811. Violino Principale. Title; 1-9. Engraved. No plate number. "de la Part de l'auteur a son ami Baillot" written in ink on the title page, stamped by P. Rode and J. Frey. Pencil markings throughout. First Edition (Pougin, p. 66). No copies listed by OCLC.  


Onzieme Concerto pour Violon Principal, avec Accompagnement de deux Violons, Alto et Basse, Flute, Hautbois, Cors, Bassons, Trompettes et Timbales ad-libitum. Dedie a Monsieur David Johnston, Bordeaux, par P. Rode. NB. Les Lettres Majuscules disseminees dans la Partie du Violon Principal et dans les Accompts., sont des points de reunion qu'on aura qu'a designer pour que l'Orchestre sache de suite ou il doit reprendre. Opera 23. A Paris: J. Frey, c. 1812. Violin Principal. Title; 1-12. Engraved. [PN] C. Title page stamped by J. Frey. Red pencil markings throughout. First Edition (Pougin, p. 66). No copies listed by OCLC. 


Douzieme Concerto Pour Violon Principal, avec Accompagnement de deux Violons, Alto et Basse, Instruments a vent (ad libitum.) Dedie a Sa Majeste l'Empereur de Russie, par P. Rode, Cevalier de la Legion d'Honneur. Op: 26. Nota, Les Lettres majuscules disseminees dans la partie du Violon Principal et dans les Accompagts., sont des points de reunion qu'on n'aura qu'a designer pour que l'Orchestre sache ou il doit reprendre. A Paris: J. Frey, c. 1812. Violino Principale. Title; 1-11. Engraved. [PN] 661. "Offert par l'auteur a son ami Baillot" written in orange pencil on title page, stamped by J. Frey. First Edition (Pougin, p. 66). No copies listed by OCLC. 


Treizieme Concerto pour le Violon, Avec Accompagnement d'Orchestre. Dedie a son ami Baillot, Professeur au Conservatoire &c. par P. Rode. Oeuvre Posthume. A Paris: Chez Launer, c. 1831. Violon Principal. Title; 2-15. Engraved. [PN] 2890. First Edition (Pougin, p. 66). No copies listed by OCLC