Original 1926 program from the International Composer's Guild, founded by Edgar Varese and Carlose Salzedo five years earlier. The program features the first US performance of Stravinsky's "Les Noces," and includes the full original synopsis and texts. The concert also featured the first New York performance of Alfredo Casella's "Concerto for String Quartet." The advistory committe from the Guild, listed on the cover, includes an astonishing collection of many of the leading composers and performers of the period. Some splitting at spine, "Les Noces 2/14" written in faded ink at head of cover, otherwise fine. 8 pp.
Original 1926 program from the International Composer's Guild, founded by Edgar Varese and Carlose Salzedo five years earlier. The program features the first US performance of Stravinsky's "Les Noces," and includes the full original synopsis and texts. The concert also featured the first New York performance of Alfredo Casella's "Concerto for String Quartet." The advistory committe from the Guild, listed on the cover, includes an astonishing collection of many of the leading composers and performers of the period. Some splitting at spine, "Les Noces 2/14" written in faded ink at head of cover, otherwise fine. 8 pp.