Salieri, Antonio. (1750-1825). Duetto, "Saper vorrei se m'ami.". Vienna: Gedruckt bey Anton Strauss [Beylage zur Wiener Zeitschr. 116]. 1825. First edition.
2 pp. Published as a foldout "Beylage" in issue 116/1825 of the Wiener Zeitschrift. Left edge (where once bound) a little rough, a few foxing marks, overall fine.
Salieri, Antonio. (1750-1825). Duetto, "Saper vorrei se m'ami.". Vienna: Gedruckt bey Anton Strauss [Beylage zur Wiener Zeitschr. 116]. 1825. First edition.
2 pp. Published as a foldout "Beylage" in issue 116/1825 of the Wiener Zeitschrift. Left edge (where once bound) a little rough, a few foxing marks, overall fine.